Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sad News from Africa

We are saddened to hear of the death of Father James Kisero Awuor. Father James was with us back in July asking for our help in building a children's hospital and obstetrics ward in his village in Kenya.  On his return to Kenya this week, Father James was attacked by an armed gang, stabbed in the chest, and died in route to a hospital. Because it was such a long journey, they did not arrive in time.

We all embraced Father James for his enthusiasm and contagious love for Jesus and the Church, and his own vocation.  Many responded with financial gifts to help Father James carry out his mission from the Father.

We pray for the repose of his soul; that he may enjoy the eternal embrace of the Father.  We are grateful to the many people who made gifts of prayer and money for Father James's mission.

We are committed to carrying on Father James's work- God's work- of building the children's hospital in the village of Bolo. [A parishioner is in contact with Archbishop Okoth in Kenya and will keep us informed.] If you are interested in helping in any way, please let me know.

Eternal rest grant to Him, O Lord. And may your perpetual light shine on him forever. Amen.


  1. God rest his soul!

  2. May he rest in eternal peace. He served the Lord tirelessly, may He have mercy upon him, Amen.
