Sunday, September 25, 2011

Homily from Sept. 25

An audio recording of today's homily will be available on Tuesday morning, via the MQP parish website.

Theme: Learning How to Walk - Radical, Corrective Change


Thursday, September 22, 2011

iCatholic- iPray

I've had my iPhone for a little better than a year. It's also a pretty cool tool and toy! I've also accumulated some pretty cool apps, some of which I use in my daily prayer life.

If you've got an iPhone or other smart phone and you're looking for some apps to help you pray, these are the ones I have on my phone.  (I'll list them with the name that appears after I've downloaded them, and then their full name.)

1. "RC Calendar": The Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar, by Universalis.  It's the calendar of the Church's liturgical year complete with Feast Days, Solemnities, biographies of the daily saints, daily Mass readings and other prayers.
2. "Catholic Bible": Catholic Public Domain version
3. "Recordatio": a collection of writings from Popes and Saints, as well as prayers and devotions.
4. "iBreviary TS": Breviary Pro Terra Sancta.  So, have you heard of the Liturgy of the Hours? This is the app version of that daily prayer book. Priests, deacon, religious and even some lay people offer the Liturgy of the Hours at several points throughout the day. If I'm on the go and I forget my hard copy Breviary, this app comes in handy!
5. "John Paul II": a collection of his writings, teachings, biography, pictures, and prayers.
6. "TBP": The Better Part. A daily devotion using successive Scripture readings and then reflections.
7. "Church Father Daily Minder": A daily devotion using the writings of the Early Church fathers, followed by a priest reflection question and prayer.
8. "ContPrayer": An Introduction to Contemplative Prayer, by Pauline Press. This is a great app that I haven't really explored that much. It looks like a 4 week outline to begin learning and practicing Contemplative prayer. (Stay tuned for more info here.)
9. "Confession": Confession: A Roman Catholic App.  A parishioner told me about this a while. I knocked it earlier, but it really is a cool resource to help me prepare for the Sacrament and then celebrate it well. (Thanks C.F!)
10. "Jesus Calling": a daily devotion, short reflection followed by related Scripture verse(s). A parishioner told me about this last weekend and I downloaded it immediately... I'm hooked. (Thanks S.R!)

So, that's what I've got.  Anyone have another one that you like?

Peace my friends.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pilgrimage and Tour of Italy

As mentioned in the bulletin this past week, I am leading a pilgrimage and tour of Italy in Sept, 2012.

The trip will be 9 days and will include Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Venice, and Assisi.

If you would like more information, please drop me an email:

Peace to you,

Sunday's Readings

If you want to read the Scriptures readings before Mass on Sunday:
First Reading: Ezekiel, chapter 18, verses 25-38 (18:25-38)
Second: Paul's Letter to the Philippians 2:1-11
Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32

These are great readings and I'm excited about preaching this weekend.  Our Gospel reading and the Letter from Paul are all about metanoia.  Metanoia is a Greek word meaning something like "change of mind" or "change of heart".

Taken to its fullest meaning though, it means "an emptying out".

But, and this is the Good News, once we empty ourself out, we are then ready to be re-filled with something different, something better. That's what I'll be preaching about: this radical self-emptying so that the Father can refill us... this is what Jesus did when he offered himself for crucifixion: he humbled himself, so God the Father exalted him (Phil 2:10)!

Don't forget Bratfest this weekend:  4-7pm; Anniversary Mass for our parish at 3pm.  Regular Sunday masses too.

See you this weekend.  Have a good rest of the week.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today's Feast Day

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Andrew Kim and his companions. St Andrew Kim, along with over 100 other Catholics were martyred between 1839 and 1867 in Korea.

The Catholic Church has a storied past with Asian culture. It's a fascinating history and involves great saints like Andrew Kim, Paul Hasang, and Francis Xavier.

Jesus' mandate to his apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations led some of them, most of them actually, to their death. And yet, as the early Church Father Tertullian (2nd century) said, "the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church."  Following the death of St. Andrew Kim and his companions, the Church in Korea, and in other places where native Catholics had been martyred, began to flourish.

On the other side of death, is always Life.

If you're interested in learning more about the integration of Catholicism into Asian culture, I recommend to you a great novel called Silence. Click here for book description.

St Andrew Kim and Companions, pray for us!
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Know My Blog Liveth

So, after some consternation, procrastination, distraction and confusion, the blog liveth. I'm grateful to a parishioner who did some research for me on new blog engines and the parish IT coordinator for her help.

I'll keep the same format for this blog as I did the last: homilies, regular items of inspiration and education, recommendation for spiritual reading and deepening our prayer and interior life, news items, and every now and then some entries on miscellany.

Don't forget, you can listen to audio recordings of my homilies at the MQP website:  click here.

I hope to be able to post the audio recordings here as well, although I may need some tutorial on how to do that.

As always, peace be with you!


We've Moved

A new address for Fr. Craig's blog: