Monday, October 24, 2011

"7 Habits of Highly Effective Catholics"

This is from Deacon Tom's Homily last Sunday at the 9am Mass.

1. Participate in the Sacraments Regularly - Weekly (and daily if Possible) reception of Holy Communion. Regular celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (monthly, quarterly).

2. Dive Deep Into Prayer - Conversation with God- He's waiting for us to go to Him in prayer!

3. Build up Virtue and Root out Vice

4. Know the Sacred Scripture and Know the Teaching of the Church - Is there a copy of the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church in our home? Both hold the answers to all our big questions?

5. Practice Joy, No Matter the Circumstances - Happiness is a feeling, joy is an interior disposition that comes from our Hope in the Redemption and Salvation that are ours because of what Jesus did!

6.  Seek Spiritual Direction - meeting with a priest or lay person trained in Spiritual Direction can help us discern where God is leading us and how best to respond to Him.

7. Share Your Faith - pay it forward, pass it on, share the Love, Faith, and Hope.

Peace to you today.

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