Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Clarification Re: HHS Health Care Mandate

My friends,

Many of you have called/email regarding the US Department of Health and Human Service's mandate forcing employers, including Catholic hospitals/employers, to offer insurance coverage for reproductive 'services' including sterilization, contraception (both oral and hormonal), abortion-inducing drugs (like the Plan-B drug), and other procedures/services.

It was then heard on TV and radio that a letter was read in "all Catholic Churches this" past weekend regarding this legislation and our Church's response to it.  Some folks contacted us asking if they missed it here at MQP.

Some points of clarification:
1. The US Conference of Bishops (USCCB) did, in fact, issue a press release regarding this mandate last week. But it was a press release and not necessarily tailored to be read from the pulpit or preached upon.
2. Letters to be read at Mass from the pulpit, by the priest-presider, fall under the purview of the Archbishop/Bishop of that diocese.
3. Archbishop Carlson, our spiritual leader and teacher, had not yet finished his letter before last weekend.
4. He did deliver it to us today and we will read it here at MQP this weekend.

[I plan on preaching about it at the 7:30 & 11am Sunday Masses.]

This is a complicated issue; an important issue and one that has ancillary effects in other areas of our life, our culture and our journey to holiness and Heaven.

So, lets talk about it:
1. What does Jesus have to say about Love, Marriage, Sex and being 'pro-Life'?
2. Why do we teach what we teach about abortion, contraception and sterilization?
3. How can we move hearts and experience personal conversion in this area?

Watch the blog here for a open and honest explanation of the many facets involved. Again, I'll be preaching about it on Sunday at the 7:30 and 11am Sunday Masses.  And, as always, if you have questions, comments, suggestions, etc., don't hesitate to contact me or leave a entry here by posting a 'comment'.

Peace to you in all things.

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