Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Coming to a Blog near you...

...this one actually.

So, in addition to offering a link to the daily Scripture readings from Mass, I'm also going to begin a "Saint of the Day" kind of thing. While we normally have a saint-per-day in the liturgical calendar, I want to explore, specifically, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church.

We'll start tomorrow with the first Doctor of the Church whose feast day, it just so happens, is tomorrow.  Check back everyday for the daily Scripture readings and the Saint of the Day.

Following up from the entry yesterday about the daily Scripture readings, someone asked me what to do about them, how to pray with them.  Here's a brief suggested method of prayer to use when praying with the readings.

1. Start with the Sign of the Cross.
2. Read the First Reading and then pray an "Our Father".
3. Then read the Responsorial Psalm and pray another "Our Father".
4. Then read the Gospel reading and then make this prayer (use your own words too): "Jesus, I have read your Word that was spoken into time and space into each human heart- including mine.  Plant deep in my heart your Message."
5. Then, sit in silence for 3-5 minutes. Just let the Word be planted in your heart. Trust that Lord is working in your heart even if it doesn't 'feel' like it.
6. After those moments, offer a "Hail Mary" asking the Blessed Mother to protect and guide you today, and then close with the Sign of the Cross.

Booya! That's one way to pray with Scripture. A great and simple way to pray and stay connected.

Hope that helps. As always, leave your comments, questions or suggestions. See you tomorrow for the beginning of our journey with the Fathers and Doctors of the Church.

Peace to you today.

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