I'm sure you read in the bulletin a couple of weeks about the changes to the Roman Catholic Mass (a.k.a. Liturgy, Mass, Eucharist) coming at the end of November. Fr. Bob wrote about it in the bulletin; he's going to do a couple "Mass and Class" sessions on it; there will be some information about it on the MQP website (Click here); and I'm going to post some things on this blog.
The good news is that we won't be changing the way we pray, just some of the words. But the changes to those words are significant enough that a little background wouldn't hurt as we prepare to make the switch come November 27.
So, on this blog, beginning tomorrow (Oct 22), I'll post a series of entries about the new translation of Mass, (a.k.a. the Roman Missal). We'll start off with a general introduction to the book that the priest uses called the Roman Missal, or more commonly, the Sacramentary; move on to a brief history of the Mass in the Roman Church; reflect a little on the great mystery and miracle that is the Mass; and then have a series of 8 entries that introduce the biggest changes to the words we'll be using.
If, as we go, you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to drop me an email (frcraig.holway@mqpwg.org) or post a comment/question here on the blog. I'll respond to the best of my knowledge. (Or failing that, I'll just make something up... just kidding.)
It is my prayer, that despite the newness of change, we embrace this new translation and see it as an opportunity to deepen our love and reverence and appreciation for the Mass and the gift of the Eucharist. We step out in obedience and trust, and together as a community of faith, pray that the Lord continue to strengthen our Faith, Hope and Love for Him, and for one another.
Mary, Queen of Peace, Pray for us.
Peace my friends,
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